miércoles, 11 de octubre de 2006

El recuerdo

Saed apareció de repente en la pantalla. Creo que ninguno nos lo esperábamos.

El dvd iba avanzando y nuestro compañero explicaba a la cámara cómo su madre fue asesinada hace hoy exactamente cuatro años.

Aquella tarde de julio, en Nablus, todos nos quedamos atónitos. El dolor es más fuerte aún cuando la víctima tiene cara, nombre y apellidos.

Una historia más de las muchas que componen la vida diaria palestina bajo la ocupación y que algunos se empeñan en relegar al olvido.

Bienvenidos al recuerdo…

Fourth Anniversary of the Assassination and Martyrdom of Shaden Abdel Qader Al Saleh Abu-Hijleh

(February 15, 1941--October 11, 2002)

On October 11th 2002 , Shaden Abu-Hijleh (aged 62), a grandmother, peace activist and philanthropist, was murdered in cold blood.

Israeli soldiers deliberately shot her without provocation while she was embroidering inside her home in the West Bank City of Nablus.

Over 15 hollow-point bullets, which are banned by international law, were shot directly at her and her family killing her and injuring her husband and son.

Shaden was a devout patriot and shared with her Palestinian brothers and sisters the aspiration for freedom and liberation from the Israeli military occupation. She worked for Palestinian independence and the preservation of Palestinian national identity on Palestine ’s soil. She joined several organizations and association working for freedom and peace in Palestine and around the world. After her sons and daughter graduated from university, Shaden dedicated her life for the sake of achieving political and social justice and became a notable leader in the women’s movement in Palestine . She was an active member in several local and national organizations:

· Administrative Committee Member, The Charitable Cultural and Social Society, Nablus , Palestine .

· Administrative Committee Member, Society for the Safeguarding of Motherhood and Childhood, Nablus , Palestine .

· Founding Member, Ebal Cultural Center for Palestinian Arts and Folklore, Nablus , Palestine .

· Founding Member, Association for Combating of Smoking and Dangerous Drugs.

· Founding Member, Palestinian Women for Democratic Change.

· Member of the National Popular Committees (Responsible for the disbursement of food supplies to needy families affected by Israeli curfews and sieges of Palestinian towns and villages).

Shaden remained active in all of these noble activities until she was assassinated by the cowardly and treacherous bullets of the Israeli military occupation on Friday, October 11, 2002 .

justice@remembershaden.org www.remembershaden.org

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