Decir que los recelos no existían ya antes de su elección como presidente sería mentir, especialmente después de aquella extraña visita al Kotel.
Y digo extraña porque si bien nadie de a pie sabía a ciencia cierta si el señor Obama era musulmán, cristiano o simplemente ateo, creo que de entre todas las posibles opciones lo único que teníamos claro era no era judío. Así que lo único que me quedó por pensar viendo al ahora presidente de EEUU frente al muro del templo fue que el hombre lo hizo a modo de guiño hacia Israel.
Yo no sé ustedes, pero a mí me indignaría que se utilizase mi religión como arma política, sobre todo si es para hacerme la pelota.
El caso es que durante la recta final de la campaña parece que esos resquemores cayeron un poco en el olvido y todo el mundo empezó a creer, no se sabe si más por convicción o porque realmente necesitaban creerlo, que Obama era el cambio que el planeta estaba pidiendo a gritos.
Después de una movilización ciudadana como pocas he presenciado en mi no demasiada larga vida (lo de ceder tu status para la campaña en facebook fue lo último que me quedaba por ver), el "arregladoroficialdeproblemasmundiales" ganó las elecciones.
Ahora bien, después del júbilo inicial, de las celebraciones y del "ahora hay una posibilidad de que esto cambie", las preocupaciones comenzaron a aflorar de nuevo cuando se conoció el nombre del recién designado jefe de gabinete.
Para evitar males mayores y dejar las cosas claras desde el principio, hubo quienes se pusieron las pilas e hicieron los deberes.
El resultado me llegó por email hace unos días. Echadle un vistazo vosotros mismos...
Y digo extraña porque si bien nadie de a pie sabía a ciencia cierta si el señor Obama era musulmán, cristiano o simplemente ateo, creo que de entre todas las posibles opciones lo único que teníamos claro era no era judío. Así que lo único que me quedó por pensar viendo al ahora presidente de EEUU frente al muro del templo fue que el hombre lo hizo a modo de guiño hacia Israel.
Yo no sé ustedes, pero a mí me indignaría que se utilizase mi religión como arma política, sobre todo si es para hacerme la pelota.
El caso es que durante la recta final de la campaña parece que esos resquemores cayeron un poco en el olvido y todo el mundo empezó a creer, no se sabe si más por convicción o porque realmente necesitaban creerlo, que Obama era el cambio que el planeta estaba pidiendo a gritos.
Después de una movilización ciudadana como pocas he presenciado en mi no demasiada larga vida (lo de ceder tu status para la campaña en facebook fue lo último que me quedaba por ver), el "arregladoroficialdeproblemasmundiales" ganó las elecciones.
Ahora bien, después del júbilo inicial, de las celebraciones y del "ahora hay una posibilidad de que esto cambie", las preocupaciones comenzaron a aflorar de nuevo cuando se conoció el nombre del recién designado jefe de gabinete.
Para evitar males mayores y dejar las cosas claras desde el principio, hubo quienes se pusieron las pilas e hicieron los deberes.
El resultado me llegó por email hace unos días. Echadle un vistazo vosotros mismos...
Dear President Elect Obama,
As an israeli peace campaigner I was appalled to learn to you appointed Rahm Emmanuel as you Chief of Staff. Mr Emmanuel is known to be a pro-israel hardliner who is being suspected to have been collaborating with the Israeli intelligence -Mossad. Having witnessed the plight of the Palestinians for the past 60 years , I strongly believe that "change coming to America" means that the US ,under the lead of its promising new President, will help bring about a genuine peace dialogue with the Palestinians (including Hamas) who have been subjected to four decades of brutal occupation by the strongest state in the Middle East. In order to achieve this aim the US ought to take much more balanced view of the Israel-Palestinian conflict rather than support unquestionably and unconditionally the State of Israel as the Republican President and it previous Chief of Staff have done in the past eight years. Mr Rahm Emmanuel is known to be a strong supporter of the Likud party which does not believe in multilateral negotiations with the Palestinians or in withdrawal from the occupied Palestinian territories. Indeed the Wayne Madsen Report (6 November) revealingly states that "WMR has learned from informed U.S. intelligence sources that prospective Barack Obama's White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel has an active FBI counter-intelligence file maintained on him. Emanuel's rise to the Chief of Staff position may pose a significant security problem for President-elect Obama if the FBI insists on conducting the full background security investigation normally required for senior White House officials. It goes on to say that "Emanuel was discovered to be part of a political intelligence and blackmail operation directed against Clinton by Israel's Likud Party and Binyamin Netanyahu to sink Clinton's proposed Middle East peace deal. We have also learned that the FBI investigation of Emanuel is part of a file code-named the "Mega file." "Mega" is a reference to a top-level Mossad agent in the Reagan administration who was said to have run a number of Israeli agents, including U.S. Navy spy Jonathan Pollard".
I trust that as a new US President who pledged to bring about "new social order", and to advance dialogue between nations rather than use of force, you would seek the advice and help of experts who understand the roots of the Israeli-Palestinians conflict rather than that of people whose first loyalty is to Israel and who are prepared to sacrifice any chance of peace in order to support the interests of the state of Israel.
Yours sincerely
Ruth Tenne (member of Jews for Justice for Palestinians )
As an israeli peace campaigner I was appalled to learn to you appointed Rahm Emmanuel as you Chief of Staff. Mr Emmanuel is known to be a pro-israel hardliner who is being suspected to have been collaborating with the Israeli intelligence -Mossad. Having witnessed the plight of the Palestinians for the past 60 years , I strongly believe that "change coming to America" means that the US ,under the lead of its promising new President, will help bring about a genuine peace dialogue with the Palestinians (including Hamas) who have been subjected to four decades of brutal occupation by the strongest state in the Middle East. In order to achieve this aim the US ought to take much more balanced view of the Israel-Palestinian conflict rather than support unquestionably and unconditionally the State of Israel as the Republican President and it previous Chief of Staff have done in the past eight years. Mr Rahm Emmanuel is known to be a strong supporter of the Likud party which does not believe in multilateral negotiations with the Palestinians or in withdrawal from the occupied Palestinian territories. Indeed the Wayne Madsen Report (6 November) revealingly states that "WMR has learned from informed U.S. intelligence sources that prospective Barack Obama's White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel has an active FBI counter-intelligence file maintained on him. Emanuel's rise to the Chief of Staff position may pose a significant security problem for President-elect Obama if the FBI insists on conducting the full background security investigation normally required for senior White House officials. It goes on to say that "Emanuel was discovered to be part of a political intelligence and blackmail operation directed against Clinton by Israel's Likud Party and Binyamin Netanyahu to sink Clinton's proposed Middle East peace deal. We have also learned that the FBI investigation of Emanuel is part of a file code-named the "Mega file." "Mega" is a reference to a top-level Mossad agent in the Reagan administration who was said to have run a number of Israeli agents, including U.S. Navy spy Jonathan Pollard".
I trust that as a new US President who pledged to bring about "new social order", and to advance dialogue between nations rather than use of force, you would seek the advice and help of experts who understand the roots of the Israeli-Palestinians conflict rather than that of people whose first loyalty is to Israel and who are prepared to sacrifice any chance of peace in order to support the interests of the state of Israel.
Yours sincerely
Ruth Tenne (member of Jews for Justice for Palestinians )
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