domingo, 4 de enero de 2009

Blogging from Gaza

Dear all,

Moments of Gaza: Blogging Live from Gaza - is a blog that has been launched to the world. It features blogs, testimonies and words of eye witnesses right from Gaza. Something which the worldwide media does not cover.

Witnesses include humanitarian activists, aid workers and ordinary people living there.

Please spread the word and send comments to the bloggers, as they need your support since they are right in the battlefield.

If you or anyone you know lives in Gaza and has a story to dliver, please e-mail with your stories, pictures and testimonies.

The blog is very long and has archived posts. For earlier posts click on the dates on the right side of the blog.

Please circulate and spread the word within your contacts. Let us make their voices heard.

Thank you

In Solidarity,
Moments of Gaza : Blogging live from the field

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